Sustainability Safari with Musgrave Wholesale 🦒
Updated: 13 May, 2024
We had the honour of hosting Owen Keogh, Head of Sustainability at Musgrave Wholesale, Stuart Campbell, Managing Director of La Rousse Foods, and Declan Flood, Head of Foodservice Sales from Musgrave Wholesale. 
Owen joined us for a 'Sustainability Safari' and we were amazed by what we learned from Musgrave Group. With a €5 billion turnover, 41,000 jobs created, support for 1800 local food producers, and over €5 million donated to charities annually, Musgrave is truly impressive.
Their traffic light system ensures they work with sustainable suppliers, and it's inspiring to hear about their efforts to support caterers offering 'Carbon Neutral' menus.
It was a pleasure meeting everyone, and we look forward to future learning opportunities, perhaps even in Northern Ireland!