Life as a Movie Star – The Italian Job with Terry Larkin
Updated: 26 February, 2024
Life as a Movie Star – The Italian Job with Terry Larkin
Updated: 26 February, 2024
The moment had come, I was finally here in Turin at Fiat’s Lingotto factory. What’s so good about a factory you may say? How about one that features a full on test track, with banked sides, on its roof! A scene from the Italian Job occurred on this roof so it was a real privilege to drive my Mini here.
Comment below on what my lap time was!
Read this interesting blog to find out more about the track – Link
A small video on the top of Lingotto roof circuit doing time trials.
Afterwards Police escorted us through the streets of Turin before we were joined by the local Italian Mini club. Check out some of these club classics:
We were privileged to visit the stately home which was used in the film the Italian Job.
A shot of us parked by the film featured River Poe
Don’t forget this is all in support of a very good cause so please, if you can, donate to:
And remember to comment below on how many miles my car would have done by the end of the trip, the car started its journey at 40,788miles, you could win an amazing souvenir!