Have Your Say About JJ!
Updated: 26 February, 2024
Have Your Say About JJ!
Updated: 26 February, 2024
We’ve registered to take part in the Best Companies “b-heard’’ survey, it’s the largest employee survey of its kind in the UK.
It’s administered by Best Companies Limited. They’re an independent research organisation that compiles the “Best Companies to Work For” lists which are published by The Sunday Times. They specialise in understanding what fully engages people with their work.
We will all be anonymously surveyed by an independent organisation starting this Friday, 30thOctober 2015 running for two weeks.
All office based employees will receive log in details by email, operation employees partly via private email addresses and partly via post.
Please complete your surveys by 13th November 2015. If you require any help or assistance please contact the HR Team.
Your feedback will help us understand what we are doing well and what we can change for the better.
Don’t miss your chance to be heard!
We encourage you to be completely honest in your response whether good or bad, as all feedback helps us understand what we are doing well and what we can change for the better.
Best Companies will not disclose your individual question responses, so you can answer openly and be assured that your answers will be completely confidential.
Thank you in advance for your input.
Find out more at http://www.b.co.uk