15 minutes with David Berry – Finance manager of JJ Food Service Ltd
Updated: 26 February, 2024
15 minutes with David Berry – Finance manager of JJ Food Service Ltd
Updated: 26 February, 2024
15 minutes with…
David Berry, Finance manager of JJ Food Service Ltd
What would you do with £500,000?
Gulp – I need to speak to my financial advisor! Just kidding, I would probably end up doing what everyone does –invest some of it, plus help the children get onto the property ladder.
What is your dream holiday destination in the UK, and also abroad?
My wife and I love walking, so a break built around a long-distance footpath would be fantastic. There are so many beautiful parks and conservation areas here in the UK that we have not even seen yet. We would not even need to go overseas.
Do you love sports?
I’m an armchair sports fan – I catch the highlights in the evening.
If you could be granted one superhero power, what would it be and why?
Superhero powers would come with super-responsibility – I’ll stick with being human.
Which three people, dead or alive, would comprise your perfect dinner date?
There are lots of people I know that I haven’t seen in ages so, much as I’d love to say Mother Theresa or Bill Gates, my perfect dinner party would actually comprise my wife and a few of our good friends.
Describe your perfect weekend.
Have you not guessed already? I would love to spend the weekend away, somewhere picturesque, covering a short-distance footpath. There’s nothing quite like a refreshing and invigorating walk to enjoy the country air.
What is your favourite drink?
Water. No, really, it is.
Do you prefer cod or haddock?
Cod – it’s juicier.
What is your first memory of fish and chips?
Home cooked, courtesy of Mum – she used to grill the fish and make the chips herself – not like the ready-made oven chips you get now – proper home-cooked food.
What is your prediction for the fish and potato industries?
The traditional fish & chip market will be around for some time. The independent sector in particular will need to evolve to keep up with developments within the chains. The general foodservice market is moving towards healthier options and fast food outlets, including fish & chip shops, will need to respond with fresher, higher-quality ingredients.
There are opportunities for independents to differentiate themselves by offering more Unique Selling Points – such as homemade sauces and breads.