JJ Team – Send Us Your Burgers!
Updated: 26 February, 2024
JJ Team – Send Us Your Burgers!
Updated: 26 February, 2024
Calling burger loving staff – we are running a competition for National Burger Day to give you the chance to win a FREE case of JJ burgers of your choice!
Send your pictures to JJ’s Facebook and Instagram with the hashtag #JJBanginBurger
All you have to do is send us a picture of your best burger recipe – it could be a melted cheese and streaky bacon tower or a smashed avocado and egg extravaganza! The burgers are not just limited to beef, we welcome all kinds of burgers: fish, veggy, chicken – send it all our way.
Please post your pictures to JJ’s Facebook or Instagram page with the hashtag #JJBanginBuger or you can email it to elit.rowland@jjfoodservice.com
The picture and recipe which our judges decide look the most awesomely delicious will win a FREE case of JJ burgers.
The deadline for entries is August 23rd. Good luck to everyone and may the hot sauce be with you!
#Nationalburgerday #JJFoodservice #Facebook #veggy #beef #Instagram #chicken #fish #JJBanginBurger #burgers #competition