Win a £20 voucher with CentralDish!
Updated: 26 February, 2024
Win a £20 voucher with CentralDish!
Updated: 26 February, 2024
CentralDish is offering diners £20 off when they recommend a restaurant following increasing interest from diners outside of its central London base. The offer is valid for JJ staff and customers too!
CentralDish CEO Rif Kiamil said, “People are regularly searching our platform for the best food in their local area from as far out as Aberdeen and Yorkshire. Restaurants in these areas could be missing out so we’re encouraging diners to tell us where we should be expanding our operation.”
London’s on-demand food delivery service Pronto is the latest to join CentralDish.
London’s on-demand food delivery service Pronto is the latest to join CentralDish.
A ‘Recommend My Local Takeaway’ tab appears automatically when diners do a postcode search for places to eat. “If the result shows little to nothing in their region, it takes just seconds to recommend their favourite takeaway. Our team are on standby to add them to our free-to-use platform” said Rif.
Takeaways that are recommended by diners (or JJ staff!) need to sign up to the platform for the £20 voucher to be awarded. So what are you waiting for – go grab your next free takeaway at