Things Just Got Real – The Italian Job with Terry Larkin
Updated: 26 February, 2024
Things Just Got Real – The Italian Job with Terry Larkin
Updated: 26 February, 2024
Glad to say the car is behaving after a service crew intervention. We visited Ostia Antica the Original Roman Road with mosaics from the first century AD, then went to lunch in a rural restaurant for the obligatory five course meal. Then a test of driving skill as we attempt to run over five paper cups in 30 seconds, we managed four in time.
Muriel’s navigation skills have been great and I promise never to moan about pot holes in the road again as Rome’s are off the scale! I cannot believe the shock absorbers have not exploded through the wings.
Now let’s talk about Roman Driver’s, OMG, it’s survival of the fittest here, don’t worry about giving way, traffic lights, zebra crossings, all are completely irrelevant.
Moving on we have been to vineyards, an olive oil factory, and best of all Vallelunga the Long Valley Race circuit to not only drive round the track with a Lamborghini pace car, but also went on a skid pan, and an obstacle awareness track.
Today we were in Rome and the Vatican City visiting the Vatican in St. Peter’s Square, the Colosseum as well as the Trevi fountain.
Tomorrow we leave Rome and heading for Palma, stopping at a medieval castle and vineyard in the Chianti region.
Don’t forget this is all in support of a very good cause so please, if you can, donate to:
And remember to comment below on how many miles my car would have done by the end of the trip, the car started its journey at 40,788miles, you could win an amazing souvenir!