The Final Stretch – The Italian Job with Terry Larkin
Updated: 26 February, 2024
The Final Stretch – The Italian Job with Terry Larkin
Updated: 26 February, 2024
Travelling back from Italy to the UK took us through the impressive Gotthard Tunnel from Milan to Switzerland, this is the 4th longest road tunnel in the world at 16.9 kilometres.
Finally, we are pleased to tell you that we won the award for the oldest Mini to complete the event! Well done Oxy.
This year’s Italian Job has been a totally thrilling experience and collectively the 24 participants have raised enough money to buy another Sunshine Coach! This will be presented next year.
Individually, I exceeded my target of £1,500 by selling raffle tickets, doing tombolas at boot fairs, receiving donations on my just-giving page and buying and selling auction items.
You may also have noticed the Variety collection tins on every JJ counter , so far this year £759.93 has been paid directly to Variety! To continue to contribute click here
A fantastic effort by everyone, and a warm heartfelt thank you.
Until next time!
This is your last chance to comment below on how many miles my car would have done by the end of the trip, the car started its journey at 40,788miles – Comment Now!