Mental Health Support for Restaurants
Updated: 8 May, 2024
Mental Health Support for Restaurants
Updated: 23 February, 2024
It’s been a tough year for the hospitality sector and we want to do everything we can to help.
That’s why we’ve partnered with Aiding Mental Health to offer restaurant managers 30% off the cost of Mental Health First Aid training.
The half-day online course costs just £65 + VAT and offers an introduction to mental health issues in the workplace. The cost includes course materials and certificates.
Mental Health Awareness Boosts Productivity
We hope the course will help to promote well being at work and home, and to help restaurant staff get off to the best possible start on May 17th.
Research shows that workplaces that promote mental health awareness are more likely to increase productivity and reduce absenteeism.
We will be holding a ‘Closed Group’ session for our customers. To register your interested please click here.
#Mentalhealthaware #AidingMentalHealth #May17 #JJFoodservice #LetsGetBacktoBusiness #MentalHealth