JJ Food Service Reduces Environmental Footprint with Telematics
Updated: 26 February, 2024
JJ Food Service Reduces Environmental Footprint with Telematics
Updated: 26 February, 2024
National wholesaler JJ Foodservice has seen a dramatic increase in driver efficiency following an investment into the use of Telematics across its multi-temperature vehicle fleet.
The project started six months ago and already the amount of time vehicles are left idling has reduced by 500 hours per month while miles per gallon have increased by more than 8%.
Head of Operations, Sedat Kaan Hendekli, said: “The use of telematics has helped us to dramatically improve the efficiency of our drivers resulting in significant fuel savings. Keeping our costs down means we can continue to pass on great savings to our customers.”
The project has also had other benefits. “Less fuel consumption means a reduction in our environmental impact. Tracking driver behaviour has also shown to improve road safety and reduce the cost of vehicle maintenance – the project has been a great success,” he added.
This year, JJ Foodservice also introduced paperless technology to its warehouses. Previously, pickers would receive an order printed on paper but now with paperless technology, the warehouse team receive an instant notification on their mobile device.
“Orders can now be picked faster”, said Sedat, “Helping to improve service, while continuing our mission to reduce our environmental footprint.”