Hurrah for Dagenham Trade Day!
Updated: 26 February, 2024
Hurrah for Dagenham Trade Day!
Updated: 26 February, 2024
Big thank you to our Dagenham team and supplier partners who attended the Trade Day yesterday – it was a great success! The sun was shining and customers came to grab a deal and try free samples!
Our deals were SO popular we had customers queuing out the door and visitor numbers hit a record high!
We were also pleased to welcome Dagenham’s New Mayor, Councillor Sanchia Alasia (pictured below), to the branch who spoke to all exhibitors and was particularly impressed with JJ’s recyclable packaging and MSC-certified fish and chips.
Thank you to our supplier partners on the day who made a special effort with their stands and samples:
Lavazza Coffee; Monster Energy; Innocent Drinks; AAK (oils and sauces); Paragon (chicken and burgers); Dart (Packaging); Capital on Tap (JJ Mastercard); FOODit (restaurant websites); and Kingfisher Fish and Chips.
See the photo highlights from the day, below! Click here to see a list of all remaining Trade Day dates and venues.