Helping Independents to Beat the Chains
Updated: 26 February, 2024
Helping Independents to Beat the Chains
Updated: 26 February, 2024
Did you know that one of the world’s top fried chicken chains has just joined a large takeaway platform – one that our customers businesses may be on, too?
It’s true: as the UK’s appetite for home delivery shows no signs of slowing, more of the big, high street chains could be about to do the same, making it harder for consumers to find independent businesses among the online noise.
At least 30 restaurants in the greater London area have been added to the food delivery platform and the chain may be expanding to other cities across the UK. So what does this mean for our restaurants and takeaways?
At least 30 restaurants have joined the delivery platform
At least 30 restaurants have joined the delivery platform
We fully support the importance of having high visibility online – but over time, large takeaway websites have become overcrowded. This means that it’s becoming harder for our customers to stand out.
This makes it more important than ever before that they have their own website, to drive diners to order directly from them – and to keep them coming back! 
At JJ food Service, we have thousands of independent chicken shop customers that we have supported for more than 25 years . We are now providing them with the technology to compete with the high street chains. That’s why we created FOODit, to help put businesses online with 100% support from our team.
Please feel free to share this item with your customers. If they require any more information, they can give us a call on 08433 202 505, make an enquiry or send us a Twitter or Facebook post.