Congratulations to JJ’s Award-Winning HR Department!
Updated: 26 February, 2024
Congratulations to JJ’s Award-Winning HR Department!
Updated: 26 February, 2024
JJ HR Manager Joanna Florczak and HR Co-ordinator Tarsiar Cox were recognised for their hard work and commitment at the Federation of Wholesale Distributors’ Skills and Development Awards last night.
Apprentices and trainees were introduced to MPs at a reception in their honour on the House of Commons terrace. Anne Milton MP, Minister for Skills and Apprenticeships, presented them with a certificate to mark their dedication to building a career in wholesale.
Left to right: Anne Milton MP, Minister for Skills and Apprenticeship; Joanna Florczek; JJ HR Manager, Tarsiar Cox, JJ HR Co-ordinator; Joan Ryan, MP for Enfield;
Left to right: Anne Milton MP, Minister for Skills and Apprenticeship; Joanna Florczek; JJ HR Manager, Tarsiar Cox, JJ HR Co-ordinator; Joan Ryan, MP for Enfield;
Joan Ryan, MP for Enfield, who hosted the event, praised the winners for their investment in skills. “The wholesale distribution industry plays an important role in our economy,” she said. “We can’t stop technological change but we can equip people with the skills they need for the future. Members of the FWD and the people they employ are at the forefront of making this happen.”
Joanna has worked for JJ for 11 years and Tarsiar for three. They have both recently completed a qualification in Personal Profile Analysis. The course enables them to successfully recognise the importance of aligning people and teams with the business strategy – increasing employee satisfaction and employee productivity. As a result of the training, Joanna and Tarsiar have been able to employ, retain and develop the right people for the right roles helping to drive the business forward.
Left to right: Joan Ryan, MP for Enfield; Joanna Florczek; JJ HR Manager, Tarsiar Cox, JJ HR Co-ordinator; Elit Rowland, JJ Head of Comms
Left to right: Joan Ryan, MP for Enfield; Joanna Florczek; JJ HR Manager, Tarsiar Cox, JJ HR Co-ordinator; Elit Rowland, JJ Head of Comms
Joanna commented, “I am grateful for the continued investment from JJ Food Service in me and my team. Days like today make my job very rewarding.”
Tarsiar added, “JJ’s has continuously invested in me – it’s helped to boost my confidence and made me to want to develop my career even further. It’s wonderful to have that recognised and rewarded today.” 
Well done ladies! 