Bennett’s Saves £100 a Week with JJ’s Frozen At Sea Fish
Updated: 26 February, 2024
Bennett’s Saves £100 a Week with JJ’s Frozen At Sea Fish
Updated: 26 February, 2024
Restaurant manager Mark Bennett
“I first started using JJ Food Service’s Frozen at Sea fish range for my mobile festivals business in May. The quality, consistency and price was so good, I quickly introduced it to my restaurant for the summer. I use the 32oz cod fillets because I love the big, juicy, flaky fillets. The feedback from customers has been great and the prices have been incredible – we went from paying £110 for 40lbs with our previous supplier to just £90. That’s a saving of £100 a day when we were selling five cases every day in the summer.
“We’re so pleased with the cod that we’re now also ordering haddock, plaice and dogfish. We also use the packaging, which we are really happy with.
“We have big plans for next year and will be taking on six new music festivals in addition to the 18 that we already do, which includes Glastonbury and Chris Evans’s Carfest. JJ is the only wholesaler that delivers on-site to these events which is tremendously helpful.”
Mark Bennett is the manager of this fish & chip shop, which was renovated in January and re-branded from its previous name ‘Bennett’s on the Waterfront’ to ‘Bennett’s Fish & Chips’. Mark’s injection of energy and colour into the business – situated on the Weymouth Marina – has helped it to attract more customers including crews from visiting ships. The investment in the new look has paid off and Mark has enjoyed a sales increase of a whopping £100K since January this year.