JJ supports Women in Wholesale
Updated: 26 February, 2024
JJ supports Women in Wholesale
Updated: 26 February, 2024
JJ was a proud sponsor of the recent Women in Wholesale conference, an educational networking event for women of all levels working within the sector. Four JJ staff (pictured left to right: Elit Rowland, Gulseda Gedik, Joanne Florczak and Nina Grosicka) attended, together with key FMCG brands and other UK wholesalers.  
Speakers addressed a range of issues covering general market trends, management and leadership, recruitment strategy and the gender diversity agenda in business. We were delighted to see our very own Nina was on the ‘Expert Q&A Panel’!
Event organiser and head of communications at JJ, Elit Rowland, said: “It’s an exciting time to be a woman working in wholesale – this event has received great support demonstrating the enthusiasm around supporting and progressing female talent!” She added, “Big thanks to JJ for providing our photography and videography – leading the way in digital, as usual!”
Watch the video here, filmed by our very own Simon Samuel and images were taken by Samson Reddyhoff.