JJ Foodservice offers Takeaways Free Websites
Updated: 23 February, 2024
JJ Foodservice offers Takeaways Free Websites
Updated: 23 February, 2024
We are offering takeaway customers free websites to support ‘click and deliver’ services during the UK’s official lock down. 
Last night, the Prime Minister urged all UK residents to stay at home and ‘Use food delivery services where you can’.  
Food delivery companies that observe the social distancing safety guidelines can operate
Chief Technology Officer at JJ, Mick Dudley, said, “This means that takeaways that wish to remain open should have online ordering and payment facilities in place, with a ‘contactless driver’ option – this is something we can help with.”
JJ is the parent company of restaurant website builder FOODit and has agreed to waive the start-up fee of £79 + VAT.
Takeaways will be given their own unique URL, support with social media and help on how to conduct deliveries in a way that complies with the government guidelines.
Takeaways interested in the offer will need to provide the full details of their business (including name, postcode and VAT registration number) to elit.rowland@jjfoodservice.com
#MickDudley #COVID19 #flattenthecurve #coronavirus #PrimeMinister #socialdistancing #onlineordering #fooddelivery #FOODit