JJ and FOODit help Leeds’ Chippies to Get Online
Updated: 26 February, 2024
JJ and FOODit help Leeds’ Chippies to Get Online
Updated: 26 February, 2024
We are working with FOODit to give chippies in Leeds the chance to win a FREE online ordering website.
“Almost half of the top takeaways in Leeds (41%)* have zero online presence”, according to Senior Product Manager at FOODit Paul Sharp. “We want to help by putting Leeds’ best fish and chip shops online, with their own independent websites.”
FOODit Chippies Image
Restaurants and takeaways already with FOODit have seen up to a 40% increase in sales with no monthly management fees and support available seven days a week. FOODit websites are in the top 5% fastest on the planet.
This summer, the business introduced new website templates for restaurants and takeaways to choose from, access to detailed sales data and new improved marketing materials and signage.
To enter, chippies simply need to tweet their best dish to @FOODit or @jjfoodservice with the hashtag #LeedsChippyChampion. All submissions will be entered into a prize draw. Winners will be announced by September 15th, 2017. So what are you waiting for – share the great news with your customers! 
JJ’s Leeds Branch will be holding a free sampling day on August 27th 11am-3pm where local businesses can learn more about FOODit and sample free fish and chips as well as a range of other essential chip shop products.
*According to research based on the top 29 takeaways on Leeds List, which has 317,000 readers, 46,000 Twitter followers.